Gospel of John
The Gospel of John is the fourth and final account of the life of Jesus. This Gospel, however, stands out from the rest in its literary style and time span, ultimately for the purpose that his readers may come to believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Join us as we journey through this book and look at how the events and discussions written point us to this same truth.
One of the most miraculous parts of the Christian story is that God became incarnate, but what does this mean? In this series we will be looking at the incarnation through the lense of John 1:1-18 and seeing how Jesus, the Word, is light, life, takes on flesh and dwells among us.
We are a people formed by the stories around us. And just like us, the ancient Israelites were also shaped by the stories around them. This series will look at Israel and how the book of Genesis spoke new formational origin stories to them and will explore how these stories speak to us again, letting them give shape to our story.